Law: Externships: Restorative Denver Information Session

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February 11

12:00pm - 1:00pm

Frank H. Ricketson Law Bldg, Room 180

Audience: Current Student

Restorative Denver is a partnership between the Denver District Attorney’s Office and The Conflict Center (TCC), a community-based nonprofit with over 30 years of experience in conflict transformation and restorative practices. Eligible cases are screened by the DA’s Office and then referred to TCC where they participate in a community-based restorative justice process called community-group conferencing. Successful cases are dismissed and sealed. Restorative Justice helps harmed parties or crime victims feel supported and empowered and allows parties who caused harm or defendants to understand the impact of their actions and repair the harm they caused to the greatest extent possible. In the first 3 years of the program, 273 cases were referred, 206 people successfully completed the program, and only 6 were unsuccessful. Additionally, only 3% of people who have successfully completed Restorative Denver have recidivated, which is remarkably low compared to other criminal system interventions.

Come learn about this innovative and important alternative to the traditional criminal system from multiple perspectives and learn how you can get further involved. Guest Speakers: Beth Yohe (The Conflict Center); Chris Brown-Haugen (Denver DA, Restorative Justice & Diversion Unit), Kylee Wellons (Restorative Denver), Heidi Cardenas (Restorative Denver), Colleen Kelley (CO State Public Defender-Denver Office), Liz Porter-Merrill (CO State Public Defender, State Office).

CPD credit and food provided for on-site participants.
Join in person or via zoom