In order to fullfil DU's mission to promote learning by advancing scholarly inquiry, cultivating critical and creative thought, a global perspective is essential to conduct research, study cultures and languages, promote collaboration with peer institutions and promote sustainable social change. DU’s emphasis on internationalization reflects a cosmopolitan engagement with a complex and connected world that is grounded in our local intercultural diversity.
Our department supports and promotes travel while encouraging sound practices and safety measures that minimize risks to travelers and the institution. This policy applies to all University trustees, officers, faculty, staff, students and individuals providing services for the University as contractors or volunteers who travel internationally for University-related academic or business reasons (hereafter collectively referred to as “University Travelers”). The University expects all University Travelers to adhere to and act in accordance with this policy and the procedures implemented to enforce it.
DU uses a list of elevated-risk destinations (not necessarily entire countries) largely based on our Travel Assistance partner's ratings, the U.S. Dept. of State advisories, CDC travel notices, and DU's risk appetite. This list is reviewed and updated regularly.
Undergraduate students must petition to travel to any destination deemed "High" travel risk or "Extreme" medical risk. This petition, if required, is submitted during travel registration.
Graduate and Professional students must petition to travel to any destination deemed "Extreme" travel or medical risk. This petition, if required, is submitted during travel registration.
Employees are not required to seek a risk review or approval from the International Travel Committee (ITC).
Some restrictions do apply (e.g., no travel to North Korea or Syria).
Consultation with International Travel Health and Safety is always available by contacting
Employees must book travel arrangements via Pioneer Travel and Expense/Concur/Christopherson Business Travel (CBT) unless a rare exception is granted from University Financial Services, the Chancellor, and/or the Provost. Use for exceptions. These bookings qualify as registering one's travel.
Initial Faculty-led study abroad program proposals must be submitted via DU Passport at least 9 months in advance of departure for new programs or recurring programs with substantial changes, and at least 6 months in advance of departure for recurring programs. Exceptions to this policy must be granted by the Chancellor or Provost.
Students may not operate motor vehicles abroad without pre-approval from the International Travel Committee. Approval may be sought by contacting
Plus information on high cybersecurity risk, export control, the institutional review board, and travel insurance and assistance.